New Archives

New Archives is a nonprofit art journal from North Pacific America.

We would like to acknowledge that New Archives is based on Indigenous land, the traditional territories of the Coast Salish people.

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Founding Members



Write us

Frequently Asked

What are you?

We are an online journal covering art exhibitions, events, conversations and projects along the Pacific side of BC, Washington and Oregon, west of the Cascades (roughly, from Vancouver BC to Eugene, OR). We are based in Seattle and come to publishing by way of being artists, curators, and community organizers.

How do you decide what to publish?

We try to strike a balance in geography, type of space or project, community and identity. We prioritize writers and artists whose voices have been historically underrepresented in art conversations. When possible, we have our writers choose what they are most excited to write about.

Are you looking for writers?

Always! If you’re a writer who is interested in art being made today we’d love to hear from you. We’re looking for a diverse range of voices and viewpoints, and we’re open to many different styles of writing. What are you passionate to write about? What have you already written that we can look at? Send Satpreet a note: .

Do you pay people?

Writers are paid $300 per review. Conversation participants receive $150 each. Satpreet is paid $14,000/year for editorial work, Matt a symbolic $300/year for administrative work.

How do you fund this?

We are relying on a group of founding members to underwrite our first year. For the future, we are working on an equitable funding model for broader community support and grants without putting financial burden on those who can’t afford it. We’ll share more as we figure this out. Meanwhile here’s our first year budget.

Can I send you a donation?

New Archives is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. We can receive your donation at this website. (Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.) If you’re interested in becoming a founding member please write Matt: .

How else can I help?

Send us your thoughts, ideas, feedback, suggestions. We know we have shortcomings and biases, and you can help us address them.

What are your future plans?

Develop an equitable funding model. Publish a print book anthology of the year’s writings. Write grant proposals. Commission longer form essays. Reviews by teens/elders. Skills workshops to cultivate new writers and voices. Regional convenings. Monthly horoscopes.

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