Issue 2
Art, Healing & Joy
in creating this issue, we asked contributors to consider the following questions:
- how can art be a source of healing, when it is a field that is increasingly over-professionalized and always entrenched in white patriarchal traditions?
- how can we, as creators, come back to joy and risk-taking in our work when our systemic conditions don't allow for what the arts industry sees as 'failure'?
- what does it mean when the very organizing that is meant to 'heal' or remedy rifts on our socioeconomic structures replicates the same oppressive structures it repudiates? how do we keep movements progressing when their language is co-opted and weaponized?
what follows are their thoughtful and varied responses, none of which are answers, all of which are points for departure, contemplation, and, hopefully, joy. – satpreet
Movement Narcissism
What is the point of creating a new world, if the structures that we have set up for agitation further harm and expel people?
Eli Howey
The body of work is about acknowledging our connection with nature, and drawing all living elements in a kind of sameness....
Slime Printing
Whenever I am feeling stuck creatively, I try to channel the playfulness and willingness to experiment of my young students....
Sharon Arnold
This is a story about learning our own stories as a point of departure to decolonize ourselves and unsettle settler colonialism....
Feel the Sun
I did this hike with grandma years ago....